Kogu see retro seeria sai alguse filmist nimega Drive. Leidsin filmist mitu head soundtracki ja hakkasin otsima täpsemalt kes need artistid on ja üheks lemmikuks sai Electric Youth, stiili nimi on New Synthpop ehk siis nad teevad 80ndate stiilis muusikat. Gretel oli esimene modell ja ta on sarnane Electric Youth’i lauljaga ja siis saigi tehtud sarnane soeng ja meik nagu sellel lauljal ja üritasime stuudios samasuguse valgusega pildistada. Leidsin youtubes otsides sarnaseid laule kanali nimega NewRetroWave ja teised ideed tulid tänu sellele kanalile.
Kahjuks jäi suvi lühikeseks ja mitmed ideed jäid teostamata seega tuleb esimesele seeriale peagi järg.
Koostasin väikese playlisti 80ndate stiilis muusikast ,et oleks huvitavam seda seeriat vaadata.
The retro series got a kick-start from a movie named ‘Drive’. I found many great soundtracks from there and started looking for the artists of these songs. Electric Youth became one of my favourites, their genre is New Synthpop which means they make music in 80s style. Gretel was the first to model and she reminded me of the Electric Youth singer. So we did her hair and make-up just like the singer’s and tried to make pictures in a similar light as in the music video. Looking around Youtube I found a channel named NewRetroWave with similar songs on it and most of my ideas came from there. Unfortunately, the Summer ended quick and a lot of ideas were left undone so soon there will be a sequel coming up to this post.
I also made a small playlist of 80s music so the post would be more fun to watch.